Voter Protection Corps Education & Advocacy Fund
Help Texas voters at the polls during the 2020 general election
More people will be voting in person in Texas than anywhere else in the country. You can make a major difference to voters by working at one of your Texas county's polls.
Posted September 18, 2020
Background & Context
Not enough poll workers = long lines and poll closures. Which would lead to Texas voters being disenfranchised this year.
As a poll worker, you will be on the front lines of voting, and you can ensure that everyone who comes to vote is treated fairly and kindly, and that each person entitled to vote a ballot that day ends up doing so.
Although poll workers do not need to be lawyers, lawyers often bring skills and knowledge that can make them particularly effective. For example, they pay close attention during training, which means they will know the rules and apply them conscientiously.
AS A RESIDENT OF TEXAS, YOU ARE SPECIAL - ONLY YOU CAN DO THIS JOB. Many of the election day hotline positions can be staffed by lawyers around the country, but people can't come to Texas to be poll workers. That's why we need you, the Texas lawyers, to be at your polls. Thank you!
Immediate Problem
In numerous counties in Texas, the average age of poll workers in normal years is 72. Because older people are at heightened risk from COVID-19, many counties have fewer residents willing and able to serve as poll workers. Even during a pandemic, safe in-person voting is critical to many voters. For example, Black voters, Latinx voters, younger voters, and voters with disabilities are all known to vote disproportionately in person.
Work & Deliverables
We are partnering with Texas Civil Rights Project, and their election experts will provide a one-hour (online) info session (with CLE credit!).
In addition, you will attend your county's specific (online) poll worker training, which is a few hours long.
In addition to these trainings and the poll worker shift, we would love to have you help us recruit other Texans to sign up as poll workers. (And we will provide a recruitment training for these recruitment captains.)

Voter Protection Corps Education & Advocacy Fund
The Voter Protection Corps Education & Advocacy Fund seeks to identify and overcome obstacles qualified voter face in registering, voting, and having their votes count.

Voter Protection Corps Education & Advocacy Fund
The Voter Protection Corps Education & Advocacy Fund seeks to identify and overcome obstacles qualified voter face in registering, voting, and having their votes count.