Join thousands of lawyers fighting for progress.

Through We The Action, lawyers volunteer with leading nonprofits to use their time and talent for good, one project at a time.

Working on the most pressing issues.

How We The Action works.

Lawyers who want to do good.

Lawyers with varying experience and availability who want to help causes they care about.

Nonprofits that need legal assistance.

Nonprofits looking for lawyers to help navigate legal challenges both big and small.

  • All Voting is Local
  • Kids in Need of Defense
  • Election Protection
  • Rock the Vote
  • National Women's Law Center
  • When We All Vote
  • The Leadership Conference
  • If When How
  • Vecina
  • FRRC

Why volunteer?

Lawyers have a unique ability to make an impact in the community. Here are some reasons lawyers have joined We The Action.

  • Fight for causes you believe in
  • Help during a critical moment
  • Making a difference is quick and easy
  • Turn your passion into action
  • Develop valuable new skills

“In the week after the Parkland school shooting, I was desperately searching for ways to help turn sorrow and outrage into action. I saw a request from the American Constitution Society. They needed lawyers, and I needed a cause. Within a few hours, I was part of a pro-bono team of researchers sifting through state laws to find ways to get high school students around the country registered to vote.”

Jerald Lentini Volunteered with American Constitution Society

“These are difficult times where underserved communities need lawyers. I volunteer because I want to use my skills as an attorney to positively influence people’s lives. It feels good to collaborate with like-minded people on good causes.”

Corey Preston Volunteered with Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights

“I always loved doing pro bono work in law school, but it was harder to find those opportunities once I graduated. The ease of finding those projects was what first attracted me to We The Action. Whatever issue you’re into, pick a project and run with it. Whatever your passion is, there’s going to be something for you”

Stephanie Killian Volunteered with Center for Secure and Modern Elections

“I was disturbed by how the nation was treating immigrants, and We The Action was an easy resource to find opportunities to volunteer from home. Any volunteer work is important, but it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Sometimes all you need is an hour, but it has a major impact in someone’s life.”

Audrey Kwak Volunteered with The Mississippi Center for Justice

“I came across We The Action during a transitional period in my legal career. I had just left a large law firm and was trying to figure out what I wanted to do next. We The Action allowed me to develop skills in different areas of law. It is a great organization that allows attorneys to give back to various causes while exploring different areas of law they are interested in.”

Emily Mikes Volunteered with Rock the Vote

In the press.