All Voting is Local
Election Calendar Mapping Volunteer Captain
Build a Comprehensive Calendar of Election-Related Dates in 8 Key States
Posted May 2, 2023
Background & Context
All Voting is Local works year round to making voting more accessible, to grow grass roots power, and to advocate for fair vote counting and certification processes. They focus their work in 8 key states: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Immediate Problem
All Voting is Local and its partners need reliable dates to work from, as well as advance notice of ambiguities that could lead to conflicts or challenges as votes are cast or counted.
All Voting is Local plans to create a calendar compiling these dates. This work will combine straightforward research in some cases with legal analysis and interpretation in others.
Work & Deliverables
First, All Voting is Local staff will work with 1-2 volunteer captains to develop the structure for this project.
This phase may include:
-- determining the data points for volunteers to collect, with attention to idiosyncrasies or pain points experienced in particular states
-- creating a template to help volunteers gather information, analysis, and sources in a consistent way
-- developing an initial volunteer staffing plan for the research and analysis phase of work
As the project continues, these captains will manage a team of volunteers compiling critical election information across several states. They will be responsible for keeping team progress on track, offering guidance to volunteers, providing an initial layer of quality control review, coordinating with All Voting is Local staff, and more.
Volunteers in this role need to have experience with voting rights and election law generally. Experience with All Voting is Local's focus states is helpful but not required. Volunteers for this role also need experience with managing complex team research projects.
Preparation Phase
- Work with AVL staff to understand goals
- Help develop research templates
- Create initial volunteer staffing plan
Collaboration Phase
- Help screen and select volunteers for research team
- Assign work among research volunteer research team
- Provide support and feedback for research volunteers
- Synthesize volunteer research where needed and ensure work quality
- Work with AVL staff to expand or adjust research scope if necessary
Wrap Up
- Engage with AVL staff to ensure work product meets goals

All Voting is Local
All Voting is Local fights to eliminate needless and discriminatory barriers to voting before they happen, to build a democracy that works for us all. It is a collaborative campaign housed at The Leadership Conference Education Fund, in conjunction with the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation; the American Constitution Society; the Campaign Legal Center; and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

All Voting is Local
All Voting is Local fights to eliminate needless and discriminatory barriers to voting before they happen, to build a democracy that works for us all. It is a collaborative campaign housed at The Leadership Conference Education Fund, in conjunction with the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation; the American Constitution Society; the Campaign Legal Center; and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.