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The Democracy Capacity Project

Democracy Capacity Building - State Ecosystem Mapping

Help map democracy capacity efforts in the states

Posted August 3, 2022

Background & Context

We’re doing a 50-state map of organizations on the ground doing state or local level advocacy work and/or democracy capacity building with their local constituents (voter registration, Get Out The Vote programs and other civic engagement programs).

You don’t have to know the groups in advance, just do some simple googling to explore the landscape on the ground in the state.

Work & Deliverables

We will provide instructions and a data input form and you’ll be asked to collect background information about the organizations you find, including links to the organization’s website and their social media accounts. We suggest keeping your list to around 10 different organizations, and we believe the work for one state should not take more than a few hours. We'll post our highest priority states first, and then open up the rest of the states for volunteers.

This project is complete!

This project has been completed thanks to the efforts of our volunteers.

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Additional Information

  • Time Commitment: 1-5 hours
  • Training Provided: No
  • Site-Preference: Remote
  • Open to Law Students: No
  • Bar License(s) required: Any Bar License
  • Required Languages: None
  • Required Legal Expertise: None
  • Mentoring Provided: No
  • Supervision Provided: Yes
The Democracy Capacity Project

The Democracy Capacity Project is creating critically needed state law resources central to nonprofit grassroots advocacy and integrated voter engagement work at the state and local levels.

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