Help Formerly Incarcerated People Restore Their Voting Rights
Assist returning citizens by reviewing their felony convictions and filing for modifications.
Posted March 10, 2021
Background & Context
Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC) is a grassroots, membership organization run by Returning Citizens (formerly convicted persons) who are dedicated to ending the disenfranchisement and discrimination against people with convictions. FRRC believes that returning citizens can play an essential role in strengthening our communities and increasing public safety, especially when barriers to voting and civic participation are removed. We also believe people who are closest to the pain are closest to the solution. Therefore, to foster the highest levels of civic engagement possible in Florida's returning citizen population, we are using our Attorney Assistance Program to break down the barriers to voting for people with previous felony convictions
Immediate Problem
In 2018, Florida voters passed Amendment 4 to restore voting rights to people who had been convicted of certain felonies. However, financial obligations (e.g. fines, fees, or court costs) still block many people from reinstating and exercising their right to vote. FRRC has partnered with We The Action to recruit passionate pro bono attorneys who are willing to assist returning citizens throughout the modification process and advocate for relief as needed on a case-by-case basis.
Work & Deliverables
We are looking for volunteer attorneys who are willing to assist returning citizens by reviewing their felony convictions and filing motions for modifications.
A Florida law license is required.
Criminal defense experience is preferred but not necessary.

FRRC is a grassroots, membership organization run by Returning Citizens (Formerly Convicted Persons), who are dedicated to ending the disenfranchisement and discrimination against people with convictions, and creating a more comprehensive and humane reentry system that will enhance successful reentry, reduce recidivism, and increase public safety. FRRC launched the Fines and Fees Program because we believe that returning citizens can play an essential role in strengthening our communities and increasing public safety. We believe people who are closest to the pain are also closest to the solution. Therefore, to foster the highest levels of civic engagement possible in Florida's returning citizen population, we are using our Fines and Fees Program to break down the barriers to voting presented by outstanding financial obligations.
Volunteer for this project!
FRRC would love your help with this project. Enter your name and email address to get started!

FRRC is a grassroots, membership organization run by Returning Citizens (Formerly Convicted Persons), who are dedicated to ending the disenfranchisement and discrimination against people with convictions, and creating a more comprehensive and humane reentry system that will enhance successful reentry, reduce recidivism, and increase public safety. FRRC launched the Fines and Fees Program because we believe that returning citizens can play an essential role in strengthening our communities and increasing public safety. We believe people who are closest to the pain are also closest to the solution. Therefore, to foster the highest levels of civic engagement possible in Florida's returning citizen population, we are using our Fines and Fees Program to break down the barriers to voting presented by outstanding financial obligations.