Al Otro Lado
Help Pro Se Respondents with Motions to Change Venue!
This project aims to ensure migrants subjected to the cruel Migrant Protection Protocols program do not miss their court hearings!
Posted April 29, 2020
Background & Context
Recently, a group of about 100 migrants subjected to MPP were forcibly transferred from the Matamoros encampment to the government shelter in Tijuana. We assume that the Mexican government does not have plans to bring them back to Matamoros, and many of the migrants prefer to stay in Tijuana given that the conditions are generally better there than other border cities where migrants designated for MPP are forced to wait. We want to make sure these folks are not ordered removed for failure to show up to their scheduled court hearings in Matamoros, which is well over 20 hours away from Tijuana. In order to ensure their court venues are formally changed from Matamoros to Tijuana, they must submit a written request to the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR). Because many migrants subjected to MPP do not speak or read English, we are stepping in to provide them pro se assistance with this somewhat complicated process. That’s where you come in!
Work & Deliverables
We need lawyers to call clients in order to prepare a declaration and draft a pro se motion with them.

Al Otro Lado
We are a bi-national, social justice legal services organization serving indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. Our mission is to provide legal services and to uplift our immigrant communities by defending the rights of migrants against systemic injustices in the legal system. Our comprehensive cross-border programming and litigation work integrate trauma-informed practices. We engage vital partnerships and thousands of volunteers to provide essential legal services to migrants at the Southern Border in Tijuana and throughout Southern California. Al Otro Lado’s work is also centered in fighting for all families that have been torn apart by unjust immigration laws.

Al Otro Lado
We are a bi-national, social justice legal services organization serving indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. Our mission is to provide legal services and to uplift our immigrant communities by defending the rights of migrants against systemic injustices in the legal system. Our comprehensive cross-border programming and litigation work integrate trauma-informed practices. We engage vital partnerships and thousands of volunteers to provide essential legal services to migrants at the Southern Border in Tijuana and throughout Southern California. Al Otro Lado’s work is also centered in fighting for all families that have been torn apart by unjust immigration laws.