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St. Mary's University School of Law Pro Bono Program

Sponsor/Supervise Law Student Support for Remote COVID-19 Projects

Alleviate burden on legal services and pro bono providers during COVID-19 pandemic; increase access to justice

Posted March 31, 2020

The St. Mary's School of Law Pro Bono Program seeks to support lawyers at nonprofit organizations and law firms in these efforts. The Program can recruit, connect, and facilitate training for law students to to take part in meaningful remote pro bono volunteer projects that lawyers at nonprofit organizations, government agencies (such as public defender's offices) and private law firms have identified.

Law students can work under the supervision of attorneys working at nonprofit organizations. Law students can also work for government agency attorneys, including, but not limited to, public defender's offices. Additionally, law students can support the pro bono efforts of attorneys in private practice, so long as they are only supporting those pro bono efforts, and not any billable matters or clients.

Students must be able to complete projects remotely. Attorneys must commit to providing appropriate supervision. Projects of any length and duration are welcome, so long as they are substantive in nature. Projects are subject to approval by the Director of Pro Bono Programs, Gregory Zlotnick. Once approved, he will recruit law students to work on proposed projects; connect interested students to attorneys seeking assistance; and facilitate remote trainings.

Thank you for your support of our law students, and of our community, at this critical time.

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This project has been completed thanks to the efforts of our volunteers.

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Additional Information

  • Time Commitment: 6-10 hours
  • Training Provided: Yes
  • Additional Training Details: The Pro Bono Program can facilitate trainings that supervising attorneys, their organizations, and/or other organizers and leaders of the COVID-19 response request of law student volunteers.
  • Site-Preference: Remote
  • Open to Law Students: No
  • Bar License(s) required: Any Bar License
  • Required Languages: None
  • Required Legal Expertise: None
  • Mentoring Provided: Yes
  • Supervision Provided: Yes
St. Mary's University School of Law Pro Bono Program

As the only law school in San Antonio and as the closest law school to the Texas-Mexico border, St. Mary’s University School of Law takes seriously its responsibility to advocate for underserved populations, to develop a culture of public service in its students and alumni, and to foster a student body engaged with its communities. Our students, and our graduates, are justice-ready: tenacious, skillful, compassionate advocates, ready to create a more-just community from day one. As a part of the Center for Legal and Social Justice, the Pro Bono Program has continued to grow in its engagement with the law student body and the needs of our school’s communities. Through a variety collaborations with legal services and nonprofit organizations, the Pro Bono Program connects law student volunteers to projects of varying scope and duration to address the unmet legal and social needs of our neighbors.

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