Texas Campaign for the Environment
COVID-19: Advise on Moving Annual Meeting Online
Ensure environmental advocates remain eligible to intervene in pollution cases
Posted March 17, 2020
Texas Campaign for the Environment intervenes in pollution cases, and to be eligible to do so, we need to be a registered non-profit in Texas with members who are affected by the polluting facility. One requirement to meet that standard is convening an annual meeting, which is currently scheduled for March 29, 2020. In light of COVID-19, we are working to move that meeting online and need legal advice regarding how to do so in a way that meets are legal requirements and maintains our eligibility to participate in appeal on pollution permits.

Texas Campaign for the Environment
TCE empowers Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots organizing campaigns that shift corporate and governmental policy. We focus on state and local policies and corporate campaigns on zero waste, safer drilling, tree protection and other issues.

Texas Campaign for the Environment
TCE empowers Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots organizing campaigns that shift corporate and governmental policy. We focus on state and local policies and corporate campaigns on zero waste, safer drilling, tree protection and other issues.