Create open data legislation for tenants rights
This model legislation will make it possible for tenants, organizers, and government officials to identify, track, and punish bad actor corporate landlords.
Posted January 9, 2020
JustFix.nyc is a NYC-based tenants’ rights nonprofit building data-driven tools for tenants and organizers fighting displacement. They are looking for support in researching and writing a policy proposal at the intersection of open data and housing enforcement.
When a landlord buys a building, they will typically use a Limited Liability Corporation (known as a shell company) in order to maintain their anonymity and protect themselves from possible repercussions. This lack of transparency prevents tenants, organizers, and enforcement officials from being able to connect the dots and understand the systematic issues than stem from a single bad landlord - issues such as forced displacement, neglect of conditions, and discrimination. In New York City, JustFix.nyc has built a tool (Who Owns What) to map property ownership to determine the buildings that a landlord or management company are associated with.
In other parts of the country, this type of property ownership mapping hasn’t been possible due to a lack of transparency into public records that could connect buildings with common owners. This research project will focus on policy recommendations around LLC transparency and open data to create a regulatory environment that would enable better tracking and enforcement of landlords across the country.
If you are interested in learning more about the project and potentially working with JustFix.nyc, you can reach out to Georges Clement, Co-Founder and Executive Director, at georges@justfix.nyc.

JustFix is a NYC-based nonprofit that builds data-driven tools for tenants and advocates fighting displacement. By combining highly scalable SMS and mobile services with advanced housing data analysis, we aim to build and galvanize a 21st century tenant movement. Our goal is safe and healthy homes for all.

JustFix is a NYC-based nonprofit that builds data-driven tools for tenants and advocates fighting displacement. By combining highly scalable SMS and mobile services with advanced housing data analysis, we aim to build and galvanize a 21st century tenant movement. Our goal is safe and healthy homes for all.