We The Action
Back to School Lunch and Learn: What Lawyers Can Do To Partner with and Protect Trans People
Join us online on Thursday, 9/29 at 1:30p ET
Posted September 13, 2022
Work & Deliverables
Join us for a virtual lunch and learn on Thursday, September 29th at 1:30p ET. Enter your email in the volunteer link to the right and you will be emailed login information for the webinar.
Across the country - and especially in southern states - transgender people and their families have come under attack. Lawyers have the unique power to help craft policy and change our legal system in order to protect trans people.
Transgender Law Center's Legal Services Project harnesses community power to meet community needs. They believe that trans and gender nonconforming people, when connected to the knowledge and resources we need, hold the power to protect ourselves, each other, and our community as a whole.
The Legal Services Project relies on two robust volunteer programs, their Community Resistance Network and Legal Resistance Network, to respond to the requests that come through TLC’s Legal Help Desk. We also develop and maintain resources, such as our Legal Clinic Calendar, to ensure members of our community have the knowledge needed to advocate for themselves.
Join us and learn about the changing legal landscape and how you can help!

We The Action
We The Action is a free online platform that makes it easy for lawyers nationwide to find and volunteer for projects with leading nonprofit organizations.

We The Action
We The Action is a free online platform that makes it easy for lawyers nationwide to find and volunteer for projects with leading nonprofit organizations.