Groundwork Project
Train community organizers in the legal landscape around political advocacy work
Help ensure that progressive dollars are impactfully spent in red states.
Posted May 9, 2022
Background & Context
Groundwork Project was formed to support local community organizers in regions of the country traditionally written off by Democrats and progressives. Many of the organizers we support need assistance in understanding and navigating the line between c3 & c4 activities. Progressive c4 dollars are scarce in red states (as they are rarely political priorities for our "side") so organizers are not well-versed in how to use them. But, we believe increased c4 activity is essential to shifting the political trajectory of our states & want to support organizers in becoming more c4 savvy/comfortable. There is another contextual element here that is important to understand, which is that legal compliance is extremely important to progressive organizers working in these states, as conservative power structures are quick to come after groups on the left for making any kind of mistake.
Immediate Problem
Lack of fluency on navigating the lines between 501c3 and 501c4 civic engagement/advocacy work by critical organizers in red states.
Work & Deliverables
We are looking for a lawyer to design and execute two workshops focused on navigating the lines between 501c3 and 501c4 activities for community organizers working on issue advocacy and civic engagement in red states. The first workshop would be for the internal Groundwork Project team, which provides wrap-around support for organizers on the ground. The second workshop would be for the organizers themselves.
Preparation Phase
- Schedule an intro call with GWP Team to discuss project in more depth
Collaboration Phase
- Host workshop #2 for organizers in GWP focus states (one hour)
- Work with Executive Director and Team GWP to finalize curriculum/plan
- Develop curriculum/plan for workshop #2 (for organizers in GWP focus states)
- Host workshop #1 for Team GWP (one hour)
- Work with Executive Director to finalize curriculum/plan
- Develop curriculum/plan for first workshop (for Team GWP)
Wrap Up
- Work with Team GWP to turn workshop content into an evergreen resource that can be shared moving fwd

Groundwork Project
Founded by former Congressman Joe Kennedy, we support community organizers, advocates, and activists across the country working year-round to build a just, free, and equitable future for all. We invest in hyperlocal efforts that build sustainable political infrastructure, engage and educate voters, and build power for the underrepresented and disenfranchised. With a focus on Appalachia, the Plains & the Deep South, we help direct resources to regions of the country historically overlooked and ignored by progressive organizations.

Groundwork Project
Founded by former Congressman Joe Kennedy, we support community organizers, advocates, and activists across the country working year-round to build a just, free, and equitable future for all. We invest in hyperlocal efforts that build sustainable political infrastructure, engage and educate voters, and build power for the underrepresented and disenfranchised. With a focus on Appalachia, the Plains & the Deep South, we help direct resources to regions of the country historically overlooked and ignored by progressive organizations.