A Healthier Democracy
Community Health Center Civic Engagement Grant Program
support voter registration non profit creating grant program for registration work at CHCs.
Posted January 13, 2022
Background & Context
VotER is a nonpartisan 501c3 affiliated nonprofit with a mission to use healthcare settings as a place to register folks to vote or help them get their mail in ballot, as explained in this New York Times piece about our work(https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/25/us/in-era-of-sickness-doctors-prescribe-unusual-cure-voting.html).
We give providers a tool that allows them to help their patients register to vote. The Healthy Democracy Kit we make and ship for free to all health care providers contain VotER badges that accompany a provider’s hospital ID with a QR code enabling patients to register to vote or obtain an absentee ballot.
Vot-ER is now establishing a mini-grant program to support community health centers in running voter education and registration programs to ensure their patients have the information they need to participate safely in elections.
Immediate Problem
We need to draft and finalize a contract for our mini-grant participants outlining their commitments and the payment schedule.
Work & Deliverables
Advise on and draft contract for new mini-grant program for community health center civic engagement project.
Preparation Phase
- Intro call with project manager
Collaboration Phase
- review documents
- prepare contract
Wrap Up
- review contract with project manager

A Healthier Democracy
At A Healthier Democracy, we believe that health care workers and health care settings have untapped power to drive positive social change. We are the home for organizing at the intersection of health and civic engagement. Our flagship program, Vot-ER, develops nonpartisan civic engagement tools and programs for every corner of the healthcare system—from private practitioners to medical schools to hospitals. Our work is driven by a community of health care professionals, organizers, clinical students, and technologists united by a common vision: healthy communities powered by inclusive democracy. Together, we’ve expanded Vot-ER programs into over 500 hospitals and clinics and helped tens of thousands of Americans register and prepare to vote. We are gearing up for the 2024 election season, where we hope to help 75,000 patients get ready to vote in November's election.

A Healthier Democracy
At A Healthier Democracy, we believe that health care workers and health care settings have untapped power to drive positive social change. We are the home for organizing at the intersection of health and civic engagement. Our flagship program, Vot-ER, develops nonpartisan civic engagement tools and programs for every corner of the healthcare system—from private practitioners to medical schools to hospitals. Our work is driven by a community of health care professionals, organizers, clinical students, and technologists united by a common vision: healthy communities powered by inclusive democracy. Together, we’ve expanded Vot-ER programs into over 500 hospitals and clinics and helped tens of thousands of Americans register and prepare to vote. We are gearing up for the 2024 election season, where we hope to help 75,000 patients get ready to vote in November's election.