Texas Campaign for the Environment
Advise on Commercial Lease Options During Covid19
Two empty offices are costing us more than $5,000 per month. This is burning through our donations and will lead to layoffs.
Posted October 5, 2020
Work & Deliverables
We have offices in Dallas & Houston with multiple years remaining on both leases. Our primary revenue stream is through door-to-door canvassing, which we haven't been able to do since Covid19 struck. We need to know all of our options for getting out of those leases, as all of our staff are currently working from home, and will be for the foreseeable future.

Texas Campaign for the Environment
TCE empowers Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots organizing campaigns that shift corporate and governmental policy. We focus on state and local policies and corporate campaigns on zero waste, safer drilling, tree protection and other issues.

Texas Campaign for the Environment
TCE empowers Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots organizing campaigns that shift corporate and governmental policy. We focus on state and local policies and corporate campaigns on zero waste, safer drilling, tree protection and other issues.