Advise Survivor of Sexual Assault in Maryland About Rights and Remedies
Help a survivor of sexual assault living in Maryland understand their potential remedies and recourse
Posted September 22, 2020
Background & Context
A U.S. citizen was living and working in a foreign country two years ago for an American university. This individual was sexually assaulted in the foreign country by a citizen of that foreign country who was employed by the American university. This individual is now back in the U.S., living in Maryland, and wants to learn about their options for recourse against the assailant and the university.
Work & Deliverables
Meet with and consult a survivor of sexual assault so they can understand their options and create a plan for moving forward.

FreeFrom is a national non-profit based in LA creating pathways to financial security and long-term safety for survivors of gender-based violence so they and their families can live free from abuse.

FreeFrom is a national non-profit based in LA creating pathways to financial security and long-term safety for survivors of gender-based violence so they and their families can live free from abuse.