Southern Economic Advancement Project
Research Anti-Racist State and Local Policy Actions
We want to drive change across the South by informing state and local leaders of the options for anti-racist policies.
Posted July 27, 2020
Background & Context
In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, mass movements across the U.S. have demanded reform and change to address systemic racism. As state and local leaders look to meet these demands, we seek to understand more fully the variety of policy levers, tools, and agenda items that are salient to this moment. We are working in a collective of Southern organizations that seek to spread good ideas across the region.
Work & Deliverables
We need a scan of policy and legal actions being proposed or enacted in state and local governments that are anti-racist in origin. For example, Los Angeles County government proposed an Anti-Racist Policy Agenda to guide their actions. We seek to identify similar efforts across the U.S. The scan would produce a memo providing a menu of options for state and local leaders seeking to propose an anti-racist agenda in their community or state.

Southern Economic Advancement Project
Launched in 2019, SEAP partners with policy thinkers and doers to amplify their efforts and bridge gaps in policy infrastructure. SEAP’s goal is to advance policies that improve economic security, healthcare access, and environmental justice for all Southerners—acting as a connector, convener, and policy entrepreneur across issues and states, translating good ideas to the Southern context. SEAP was founded by Stacey Abrams and is a fiscally-sponsored project of Tides Center.

Southern Economic Advancement Project
Launched in 2019, SEAP partners with policy thinkers and doers to amplify their efforts and bridge gaps in policy infrastructure. SEAP’s goal is to advance policies that improve economic security, healthcare access, and environmental justice for all Southerners—acting as a connector, convener, and policy entrepreneur across issues and states, translating good ideas to the Southern context. SEAP was founded by Stacey Abrams and is a fiscally-sponsored project of Tides Center.