Simwatachela Sustainable Agricultural and Arts Program [SSAAP]
Land purchase for SSAAP
We are seeking to purchase a small piece of land for the project and legal advice from an expert
Posted February 22, 2024
Work & Deliverables
We need legal advice before purchasing land for SSAAP. What we would like is for someone to review the Purchase Agreement, work with the Seller on the Quick Deed and Title Search. SSAAP, our project, has never purchased land before, and so we need assistance.

Simwatachela Sustainable Agricultural and Arts Program [SSAAP]
We are a grassroots organisation working to help rural Africa (Zambia and Sierra Leone) with clean drinking water via water wells. We also work with food sustainability and nutrition through simple irrigation systems (Water Reticulation Systems) so that people can grow food year-round. We are a small organisation, committed to serving the needs of the local people through basic human needs: water and food! SSAAP is also working in partnership with George Washington University Law School, with their Pro Bono Program ( Any attorney who wishes to work with SSAAP on any of its projects may also work with a GW Law student who would do much of the legwork, research, and work for the project, though supervised by a bar-certified attorney.

Simwatachela Sustainable Agricultural and Arts Program [SSAAP]
We are a grassroots organisation working to help rural Africa (Zambia and Sierra Leone) with clean drinking water via water wells. We also work with food sustainability and nutrition through simple irrigation systems (Water Reticulation Systems) so that people can grow food year-round. We are a small organisation, committed to serving the needs of the local people through basic human needs: water and food! SSAAP is also working in partnership with George Washington University Law School, with their Pro Bono Program ( Any attorney who wishes to work with SSAAP on any of its projects may also work with a GW Law student who would do much of the legwork, research, and work for the project, though supervised by a bar-certified attorney.