Choice Tracker
Help craft clear explanations of abortion-related bills in Virginia
Educate and motivate Virginians in the fight for abortion rights in the state legislature.
Posted May 31, 2023
Background & Context
Abortion is legal in Virginia, but it is in danger.
Immediate Problem
Bills are complex and nuanced, and it can be difficult for people who care about reproductive rights to truly understand the intricacies of legislation. We want to motivate Virginians who care about reproductive rights to actively engage with the legislative process, but first we need to make it easy to "get up to speed".
Work & Deliverables
We're crafting infographics, webpages, and videos that break down current legislation impacting abortion rights and access. Our goal is to explain the bills as clearly and simply as possible to an audience who is new to the legislative process, and the nuances of abortion legislation.
We need help translating the complexities of legislation into an easy-to-understand, factual summary
Preparation Phase
- Onboarding conversation
Collaboration Phase
- Review 7-10 bills, and provide both a basic, 1 sentence summary of each
- Provide a more detailed, 1 paragraph summary
Wrap Up
- Hand off document to be incorporated into

Choice Tracker
Choice Tracker is an online tool to help people fight for abortion rights in the State Legislature. We track the votes and statements made by each legislator, in order to help educate and motivate them to get involved in state government.

Choice Tracker
Choice Tracker is an online tool to help people fight for abortion rights in the State Legislature. We track the votes and statements made by each legislator, in order to help educate and motivate them to get involved in state government.