Rise Up, Inc
Global Legislative Landscape: Survivors' Rights
Help assess rights available to survivors of sexual violence worldwide
Posted April 3, 2023
Background & Context
After more than six years of coordinated efforts, on September 2, 2022 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Sierra Leone sponsored resolution–UNGA Resolution on International Cooperation for Access to Justice, Remedies, and Assistance for Survivors of Sexual Violence (A/RES/76/304)– condemning all forms of sexual violence and urging all countries to provide victims and survivors access to justice, reparations and assistance. The resolution was adopted by consensus, indicating that all 193 Member States of the UN agree to implement the provisions of the resolution. However, the extent to which these provisions are present in the domestic legal code of the 193 Member States is currently unknown.
Work & Deliverables
Task: Review and summarize the existing body of research on tools/studies that evaluate the comprehensiveness of laws that protect survivors of sexual violence. Determine which actors conduct this type of research and the criteria used when scoring or comparing the laws of different countries.
Expected Deliverable: A summary of existing studies or tools that compare the extent of laws already in place to protect and serve survivors of sexual violence, with clear citations to easily locate the source studies.

Rise Up, Inc
Rise, a national nonprofit, was founded by Amanda Nguyen, a sexual assault survivor, in November 2014 to pen her own civil rights into existence along with the 25 million rape survivors in the United States. Rise started by passing the federal Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights unanimously through Congress and later signed into law by President Obama. Rise’s immediate goal is to scale up a social movement to pass their Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights - in all 50 states. Rise trains volunteers to pen their own rights into existence, giving them the tools and resources necessary to engage with state legislators with the ultimate goal of passing a bill in their home state.

Rise Up, Inc
Rise, a national nonprofit, was founded by Amanda Nguyen, a sexual assault survivor, in November 2014 to pen her own civil rights into existence along with the 25 million rape survivors in the United States. Rise started by passing the federal Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights unanimously through Congress and later signed into law by President Obama. Rise’s immediate goal is to scale up a social movement to pass their Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights - in all 50 states. Rise trains volunteers to pen their own rights into existence, giving them the tools and resources necessary to engage with state legislators with the ultimate goal of passing a bill in their home state.