Simwatachela Sustainable Agricultural and Arts Program [SSAAP]
Register nonprofit organization in the state of Ohio
SSAAP is currently registered only in Colorado; we want to also register it in Ohio.
Posted May 15, 2023
Background & Context
Our project serves the most indigent, hard-to-reach communities in rural Sierra Leone and in Zambia with the simple resource of: water. We are not looking for a lawyer to assist us in either African nation, but rather: someone who can help us within the framework of non-profit law in the U.S.A.
Immediate Problem
Our project ( aims to assist those most-in-need in the most remote villages of the two African nations of Zambia and Sierra Leone with whatever their needs are. After being invited to the communities, and meeting with them, the most prevalent and automatic need, 200% of the time, is clean drinking water. Most communities in rural Sierra Leone and Zambia do not have a sustainable water source; they drink water that they have to fish dead mice or rats out of from a brown muddy water hole, or the water hole dries up during the non-rainy season. These seasonal water sources are not sustainable, nor are they reliable, and are a slow death sentence to those who drink from them, as this non-potable water is not suitable for human consumption and is often laundered in, toileted in, and bathed in before it is drunk.
Work & Deliverables
We are looking for a pro-bono lawyer to help us establish/register our 501(c)3 in the state of Ohio. Presently, it is registered in Colorado only; we hope to establish it in Ohio as well.
Preparation Phase
- Research how a nonprofit can register in Ohio (we already have our Articles of Incorporation)p
Collaboration Phase
- Complete preliminary research, find out what documents are needed to register in the state of Ohio
Wrap Up
- Registration of nonprofit with state of Ohio

Simwatachela Sustainable Agricultural and Arts Program [SSAAP]
We are a grassroots organisation working to help rural Africa (Zambia and Sierra Leone) with clean drinking water via water wells. We also work with food sustainability and nutrition through simple irrigation systems (Water Reticulation Systems) so that people can grow food year-round. We are a small organisation, committed to serving the needs of the local people through basic human needs: water and food! SSAAP is also working in partnership with George Washington University Law School, with their Pro Bono Program ( Any attorney who wishes to work with SSAAP on any of its projects may also work with a GW Law student who would do much of the legwork, research, and work for the project, though supervised by a bar-certified attorney.

Simwatachela Sustainable Agricultural and Arts Program [SSAAP]
We are a grassroots organisation working to help rural Africa (Zambia and Sierra Leone) with clean drinking water via water wells. We also work with food sustainability and nutrition through simple irrigation systems (Water Reticulation Systems) so that people can grow food year-round. We are a small organisation, committed to serving the needs of the local people through basic human needs: water and food! SSAAP is also working in partnership with George Washington University Law School, with their Pro Bono Program ( Any attorney who wishes to work with SSAAP on any of its projects may also work with a GW Law student who would do much of the legwork, research, and work for the project, though supervised by a bar-certified attorney.