Muslim Advocates
Assist Immigrant Populations Impacted by Pres. Trump's Muslim Ban
Posted October 10, 2018
Muslim Advocates is seeking attorneys in the New York City area who can provide pro bono assistance to individuals impacted by President Trump's Muslim Ban who are seeking entry into the United States.
While the Muslim Ban prevents nationals from a number of predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States, the policy also permits impacted individuals to apply for case-by-case waivers. If an individual's waiver application is approved, the person can then obtain a visa and enter the United States. Muslim Advocates has partnered with a New York City-based community organization, the Yemeni American Merchants Association (YAMA), to provide assistance to individuals navigating the waiver process. We are seeking attorneys who are able to work with YAMA's clients and constituencies to prepare waiver applications. Volunteer attorneys will meet with clients at YAMA's offices, though part of the work may done at home.
Volunteers should have some prior experience interviewing diverse clients, and either familiarity with family-based visa application procedures, or a willingness to become familiar with these procedures. Muslim Advocates will provide necessary background and context on the Muslim Ban and on waiver adjudication criteria. Volunteers should be willing to commit between 5 - 10 hours a month to the project, for at least 3 months. Volunteers should be available to meet once a month at the YAMA headquarters in Bay Ridge.

Muslim Advocates
Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational organization that works on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.

Muslim Advocates
Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational organization that works on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.