Community Knights, Inc.
Help small nonprofits
Help grant recipients understand their legal requirements and our procedures to receive funds
Posted March 22, 2021
Work & Deliverables
We have created a "Grant Agreement" document that outlines our rules and procedures for receiving and reporting closeouts on grant funding. Since we want this to be as official as possible, and we need it to protect our organization and the funds we give, we need help to review the document. Asking for review, edits, any recommendations for stronger legal language before we send it out for our groups to sign.
Community Knights, Inc.
To identify the needs of the Virginia Peninsula’s Nonprofit and Public School organizations as well as the populations they serve and find innovative ways to help them meet these needs collaboratively. Dedicated to identifying and filling service gaps for underserved populations, and through collaboration, fundraising, and volunteerism meet those needs. We have many programs to meet the needs of our mission. GIFT - Grant Initiative Fundraising Team - to date has given 767 grants to the local community totaling $1,532,000, with funds raised from our large scale bingo fundraisers. COACH - Creating Opportunities to Advance Capable Hands - supports and includes adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community, through facilitating access to volunteer opportunities by providing volunteer job coaching services. Participants find purpose, learn soft skills, and create friendships through social and adult learning activities. ALIGN - (under development) is our nonprofit incubator to help advocate and lead new nonprofits to aide in their growth from start to finish. MATCH - (under development - on hold due to COVID) seeks to match personalized volunteer experience to high schoolers.
Community Knights, Inc.
To identify the needs of the Virginia Peninsula’s Nonprofit and Public School organizations as well as the populations they serve and find innovative ways to help them meet these needs collaboratively. Dedicated to identifying and filling service gaps for underserved populations, and through collaboration, fundraising, and volunteerism meet those needs. We have many programs to meet the needs of our mission. GIFT - Grant Initiative Fundraising Team - to date has given 767 grants to the local community totaling $1,532,000, with funds raised from our large scale bingo fundraisers. COACH - Creating Opportunities to Advance Capable Hands - supports and includes adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community, through facilitating access to volunteer opportunities by providing volunteer job coaching services. Participants find purpose, learn soft skills, and create friendships through social and adult learning activities. ALIGN - (under development) is our nonprofit incubator to help advocate and lead new nonprofits to aide in their growth from start to finish. MATCH - (under development - on hold due to COVID) seeks to match personalized volunteer experience to high schoolers.